In today’s world of near everywhere-internet and growing remote and mobile users, collaborating with a team while not in the same physical location can seem challenging. The past 10 years have seen a huge increase in hardware and software choices for video conferencing as well as massive improvements in quality and options when it comes to collaborating from different physical locations.
We have researched and implemented dozens of solutions and always end up returning to one of 3 brands – each with their own unique additional features.
Offers a nice hardware line ranging from desktop/laptop webcams to video conference room speakers, whole-room HD cameras, displays, and microphones.
We love Highfive’s elegant hardware solution that is affordable enough to put high end video conferencing hardware on each desk, in conference rooms, and on mobile devices for those group members who happen to be traveling. Their screen sharing option allows a conference member to share a window or entire screen from their device to the rest of the conference call.
The first step is to get in touch with us so we can analyze your specific requirements and circumstances.
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